Fotpackning, Holley Dominator 4500, öppet centrum
Minimum Quantity Should be 1 or multiple of 1
Rochester QJ Bil: ca 66-74 Båt: ca 79-90
Minimum Quantity Should be 1 or multiple of 1
Minimum Quantity Should be 1 or multiple of 1
Minimum Quantity Should be 1 or multiple of 1
Holley Dominator. Packning med fyra portar/hål. Se även MRG58B.
Minimum Quantity Should be 1 or multiple of 1
Rochester Quadrajet, Bil Ca:75-85 Tjocklek 1/32" (0,8mm) Blå non stick (Airhorn).
Minimum Quantity Should be 1 or multiple of 1
Packning airhorn
Street Demon Airhorn Packning
Minimum Quantity Should be 1 or multiple of 1
Packning justerskruv
Justerskruv 10st. Mix. Screw packning (10)
Minimum Quantity Should be 1 or multiple of 1
Sortiment med packningar för bränsleingången på förgasare.
5 st med 20 mm i.d. och 5 st med 22 mm i.d. per set.
Minimum Quantity Should be 1 or multiple of 1
Fotpackning. Carter TQ. 4-port. Öppet centrum
Minimum Quantity Should be 1 or multiple of 1
Ford 2-port 1937-56, 3-bultad
Minimum Quantity Should be 1 or multiple of 1
Fotpackning. Carter tq
Minimum Quantity Should be 1 or multiple of 1
Till bränslefilter med glas kopp
Minimum Quantity Should be 1 or multiple of 1
Minimum Quantity Should be 1 or multiple of 1
Packning Venturi
Venturi Ford 4100
Minimum Quantity Should be 1 or multiple of 1
Packningssats. Holley 2-port. Packning kit
Minimum Quantity Should be 1 or multiple of 1
Packning Tillskottsventil
Carburetor Gasket, Packning Tillskottsventil Holley 1904
Minimum Quantity Should be 1 or multiple of 1
Minimum Quantity Should be 1 or multiple of 1
Värmesköld i rostfri plåt, för 4 port spread bore. Quadra Jet
Minimum Quantity Should be 1 or multiple of 1
Fotpackning Carter Thermoquad
Minimum Quantity Should be 1 or multiple of 1
Minimum Quantity Should be 1 or multiple of 1
Minimum Quantity Should be 1 or multiple of 1
Minimum Quantity Should be 1 or multiple of 1
Packning Flottörhus
Rochester 2BBL, 2G, 2GV. Tjocklek: 1/32" (0,794mm)
Minimum Quantity Should be 1 or multiple of 1
Rochester Quadrajet, Bil ca: 75-81 Tjocklek 3/64" (1,2mm) (Airhorn)
Minimum Quantity Should be 1 or multiple of 1