Pertronix Ignitor


Pertronix Ignitor : ML-181

Artikelnr: PTXML181
Mallory V8 23, 24, YD & YL fördelare utan vakuum Dualpoint Måste kompletteras med PTXOMCKIT för ombyggnad till OMC motorer
  • Emission Description: This Product has been granted a California Air Resources Board (CARB) "E.O" (Executive Order) Exemption, or is considered a Direct Replacement or Consolidated Replacement part. It is 50 State Legal when installed on the appropriate vehicle per the Manufac
  • EmissionFullDES: 1 - This Product has been granted a California Air Resources Board (CARB) "E.O" (Executive Order) Exemption, or is considered a Direct Replacement or Consolidated Replacement part. It is 50 State Legal when installed on the appropriate vehicle per the Manufacturer Application guide and Installation Instructions.
  • 118-5296-2: Sierra
  • 18-5296-1: Sierra
  • SIE1852961: Replaced
6 I Lager